Today I want to share my thinking process for setting smart business goals with you.
We’ll work backwards from a financial goal towards a daily to-do list. Here’s how that works: It always starts with a money goal. It helps if that goal has a meaning beyond the dollar figure.
For example, let’s say that you want to buy a piece of off-grid land. The payment is around $400 monthly. To account for things like taxes and just to be safe, we’ll bump the goal up to $600. In other words, you’ll need to add an extra $600 (or more… more is always better) to your monthly bottom line.
Once that’s done and you are seeing that level of income on a regular basis, you’re ready to invest in your property.
*By the way, this post is #4 in the Business Planning to Rock Next Year blog series. If you missed the first post, head here to check it out!*
Incorporating Subscriber and Visitor Counts into Your Goals
Once you know how much money you must make, you can start to think about different ways to do just that. You could find more customers for one or several of your existing products. For example, if you have a $20 eBook, you would have to make an extra 30 sales per month. From there you can work backwards.
If you know that on average one out of 10 email subscribers buy the book within the first month of signing up, you need to add 150 new subscribers to your list, which in turn takes 2,000 new visitors to your site. If that’s your plan, you know that your daily to-do list needs to include plenty of action steps to ramp up your traffic by an extra 2,000 people per month.
Creating Additional Income
Of course, that’s not your only option. You could also create another informational product or eBook each month and sell it to both your existing and new subscribers.
You could create a higher priced item so that you’d need to make fewer monthly sales to reach your $600 goal. For example, if you create a nice $100 product, it will only take 6 sales per month to pay for the monthly mortgage.

Creating Recurring Income
Since the car payment will be an ongoing thing, it also makes sense to look into recurring payments. This could be your own membership, or you could investigate affiliate offers related to your niche with recurring commissions.

Now you have a concrete goal to work towards, which is convincing X# of people to sign up for the membership. Your daily tasks will include things like creating content that includes an invitation to join the membership, like a short eGuide or a mini opt-in bundle that your target clients will find highly valuable. This opt-in should give them fast, noticeable results, but still leave them wanting a bit more to continue their journey.
Use free Primal Content PLR to build a targeted subscriber list of people interested in a primal, animal-based, and/or quantum lifestyle. Then start driving traffic to the content and the opt-in offer and start emailing regularly about the membership. You could even craft a short autoresponder sequence to create an evergreen funnel (my personal favorite)!
Collab to Reach Your Goals
Of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You could approach other coaches and influencers in your niche to see if they would be interested in writing some guest blog posts, answering some questions for an interview style-post, do a live collab or giveaway together on social media, or even do a webinar.
These all would promote the membership along with your collab partner’s relevant offer so that is it mutually beneficial.
Working Backwards = Unboxed Strategy
By thinking outside the box and putting in some time and effort initially, it won’t take you long to get those X# signups that pay for your land payment (or whatever goal you are working toward). Because you really want that lot, you’ll going to be motivated to get it done and grow your business by those extra $600 per month.
In fact, chances are great that you’ll overshoot the goal by several hundred dollars and it’s something you can continue to grow month after month and year after year!
Ready for more? Read the next post in this series: Why It’s Vital to Write Down Your Business Goals
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